Monday, September 28, 2015

The Bank Job - A Lesson In British History

The Bank Job was a movie made in 2008 that I overlooked. I thought it was another Jason Statham movie that was the likes of Crank and never gave it much thought. Well this weekend, I decided to give it a shot, and wow was I wrong.

The movie is based on the little known (at least in the US) Baker Street Bank Robbery back in 1971 in London England. The robbery was controversial, because it has been suggested that the robbery was a setup to steal disparaging items of high ranking British or Royal members that were stored in safety deposit boxes.

I researched the robbery after watching the movie. What the movie tries to do (quite well I might add) is provide a semi-autobiographical account of what happened. The British government has sealed documents until 2054 so that this generation will never quite know what truly happened. However, the director had a private consultant close to the robbery that helped explain why the robbery was so controversial. The movie will absolutely blow you away with details that explain how the British Secret Service, MI5 and local law enforcement had no other choice, but to allow the robbers to keep the goods from the robbery in exchange for secrecy.

I do not want to give away too many spoilers. However, I want to encourage people to watch the movie. For anyone that might question government secrets, or conspiracy theories, this is a must see.

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