Monday, March 30, 2015


Whiplash is an interesting movie on many levels. Primarily, it explores the relationships of a teacher and student at a post-secondary level. The setting is a music school band room. Within the four walls of the band room, students are exposed to tirades from an emotionally damaging teacher. You quicly get the impression the teacher has been given a pass for years because he has won numerous competitions by being abusive to his students. The movie is an exploration of the relationship of "power over" within an educational setting that goes unchecked.

Underlying the theme is the complex relationships that make a person vulnerable to such a teacher. Students come to a class like this with diverse life experiences. Prior traumas will resurface when students are in an abusive setting. The movie strikes a chord right from the beginning. For example, the teacher seems like he cares and asks the young student about his life, only to use it against him during a music lesson. Spoiler Alert - The end of the movie travels down a very dark road. It is poetic and surreal.

A few facts about the film that are interesting. The film was based on a real-life teacher that conducted the Princeton School High Jazz Band. The movie was filmed in just 19 days. It was given a 95% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Real music students were used as extras and the terror in their faces was a reflection of the skillful acting of J.K.Simmons.

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