Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Patient 17

Patient 17 is an interesting documentary regarding evidence that an advanced life form may be monitoring us. It is the story of a surgeon, who claims to remove highly advanced implants from humans. The implants are embedded by Aliens without our knowing, until our body begins to reject the technology via illness and pain. This technology is part of a larger story regarding abductions from non humans that are monitoring the earth.

For some, the documentary is a stretch. After all, a doctor armed with a patient, a scalpel, black lights and a stud finder may seem to be a bit odd. What comes to question right away is the authenticity of the claims. However, the implants are examined and some of the components are very complicated and not of this earth. This leads the viewer to ask, "how did this unknown technology become implanted into the victims?"

Documentaries like this, when viewed with an open mind help us ask questions about their own existence. They will questions whether other civilizations exist outside of our solar system. If they exists, are they friendly, more advanced, or studying our situation on earth. Al great questions that lead us to a path of enlightenment that advanced civilizations may already be here.